Nasya:- Nasya is an Ayurvedic term, a procedure followed for disorders related to migraine, throat, nose, ear, sinusitis and any other organ above the neck. Ayurveda purifies these organs and removes vitiated doshas through the nasal openings. The nasal treatment happens in the form of medicated powders, medicinal fumes, nasal oil or medicated juice.


Netra Sek:- Netra means eye and tarpan means giving strength to the eyes. The medicated ghee is poured over the eyelids in an enclosure built 
                        around the eye out of black mung flour. It is said to be an excellent treatment to improve vision and clarity of mind. It relieves tiredness and improves eyesight

Netra Seka (Dhara)

Tarpan:- The medicated pure honey is poured over the eyelids in an enclosure built around the eye out of black mung flour. It is said to be an excellent treatment to improve vision and clarity of mind. It relieves tiredness and
                         improves eyesight.


Pindi:- This is where a glue of herbs is connected over the two eyes, and secured with a cotton bandage.
                         This animates the blood stream around the eyes, and opens the tear channels. It's an incredible method for dry and irritated eyes, delicate eyes in the sun, and for diminishing dark circles under the eyes.


Pind Swed:- Patra pinda sweda leaf bundle massage is a type of special therapy primarily performed on the nerves, muscles, and muscles of a patient.
        It is an excellent choice for those who want to get relief from a variety of symptoms effectively.

Pind Swed

Bidalak:- This is where a glue of herbs is connected over the two eyes, and secured with a cotton bandage.
                        This animates the blood stream around the eyes, and opens the tear channels. It's an incredible method for dry and irritated eyes, delicate eyes in the sun, and for diminishing dark circles under the eyes.


RaktaMokshan:- The Panchakarma procedure of shodan through the medium of bloodletting for therapeutic purpose is known as Raktamokshan


Mukhlep:- Mukhlepam, a type of Ayurvedic facial strives to bring glow and radiance to the face. It is also known as an anti-aging medium for the facial skin. Apart from this, it also de-tans skin and brings back the natural glow. It is just like a regular facial but the products used are completely natural and ayurvedic


ShiroVasti:- Shirobasti is a specific ayurveda treatment which is mainly indicated in Vata Rogas (neurological disorders) and Jathrudhwa gata Rogas (Head and Neck and ENT disorders). Shirobasti is a process in which warm medicated oil is made to stay stagnant on the scalp for a specific time in a proper formed frame made up of leather or rexine sheet.


Shiro Dhara:- Shiro Dhara is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment that can feel so good. Shiro Dhara is performed for psychological disorders and physical illnesses. Shiro means head, and dhara means continuous pouring of medicaments. Pouring of medicated milk continuously in a rhythmic stream on the forehead for a specific period of time is called as Shiro Dhara.

Shiro Dhara

Putapak:- Just as the body becomes fatigued after Snehana therapy (Drinking Fats), eyes become fatigued after Tarpana Therapy; In order to restore the strength to the eyes Putapak therapy should be done.


Anjana:- Netra Anjana is one of the special treatment done for eyes disorders. It is a procedure in which medicated collyrium is applied with the help of applicator for a specified time.


Aschotan:- Aschothan is the procedures done for eye disorders. The procedure where the medicated drops are surged on the open eyes from a height of two inches in prescribed format is called as Aschothana.
